Enrich Your Life With A Monthly Digital Unplug: Ebook
Take one day or two and disconnect from social media.
For your mental health and your loved ones.
E-book downloads immediately
Not for commercial use.
Digital devices have become so en grained in our daily lives that it's impossible to imagine life without them. But many people report feelings of nervousness and anxiety as they become addicted to constantly checking and re-checking emails, social media, and other devices. Beyond merely reducing the time they spend on digital devices, most people agree residential time can help them feel fulfilled and reconnected. This e-book that offers 5 phases to help people unplug their digital devices, Enrich Your Life offers a solution to digital traps of spending too much time online doing distracting activities. Unplugging before bed can help people sleep better.
Take one day or two and disconnect from social media.
For your mental health and your loved ones.
E-book downloads immediately
Not for commercial use.
Digital devices have become so en grained in our daily lives that it's impossible to imagine life without them. But many people report feelings of nervousness and anxiety as they become addicted to constantly checking and re-checking emails, social media, and other devices. Beyond merely reducing the time they spend on digital devices, most people agree residential time can help them feel fulfilled and reconnected. This e-book that offers 5 phases to help people unplug their digital devices, Enrich Your Life offers a solution to digital traps of spending too much time online doing distracting activities. Unplugging before bed can help people sleep better.
Take one day or two and disconnect from social media.
For your mental health and your loved ones.
E-book downloads immediately
Not for commercial use.
Digital devices have become so en grained in our daily lives that it's impossible to imagine life without them. But many people report feelings of nervousness and anxiety as they become addicted to constantly checking and re-checking emails, social media, and other devices. Beyond merely reducing the time they spend on digital devices, most people agree residential time can help them feel fulfilled and reconnected. This e-book that offers 5 phases to help people unplug their digital devices, Enrich Your Life offers a solution to digital traps of spending too much time online doing distracting activities. Unplugging before bed can help people sleep better.